Interview tips

5 things NOT to do in an interview

There are some actions you should avoid if you don't want to ruin your chances of…

First impressions are lasting impressions

Make your interview a lasting impression. We have all heard the expression before..."You only have…

How to prepare for an interview

How you prepare for an interview will have a direct result on the outcome of…

Have your interview questions ready to ask

Ask intelligent, informed questions in an interview to show you are not only interested in…

Job Interview Tips

These job interview tips for graduates might be the difference between getting the job and…

Interview preparation

Myth: The best way to prepare for an interview is to get a good night sleep.…

‘Name-dropping’ is good!

Myth: Using contacts or connections should be avoided in the cover letter or interview. Reality:…

Interview preparation is critical…

Myth: If you have not had the time or cannot find information on the company…

“Thank-you note”…to do or not to do?

Myth: “Thank-you” notes are passé,  “old school” and not necessary. Reality: “Thank-you” notes give you…

The most qualified person gets the job….

Myth: Companies hire the most qualified candidates. Reality: Companies hire the person or persons they…