Interview tips

This very well might be the most useful job-search advice you will ever get!

There are many things that you will have direct control over in your pursuit of…

Your Interview Checklist

Have I called to thank the caller and confirm the interview time, date, location and…

Develop A Successful Interview Strategy

A harsh reality of the job market is: “You don’t get paid for what you…

How to get an Interview

You will not get a job without an interview (in some shape or form). Learning…

Grads, ace the phone interview and get the face-to-face interview

For graduates and first-time job seekers the phone interview is an important part of the…

The most qualified, most experienced and most educated student always gets the job.

Wrong! The student who gets hired is the the student who aces the interview, period!…

Interview checklist for interview success

You didn't get the job....Once you have had your interview(s) and didn't get the job,…

21 Questions you need to ask yourself before your interview

Interview preparation will be the key to interview success and landing that first job. Ask…

The way you answer interview questions will determine the outcome

You give an interview, you don't take one. For this reason you had better be…

Questions for graduates to ask yourself before the interview is important to understand interview preparation is the key to a successful interview. The…