Grads, ace the phone interview and get the face-to-face interview

For graduates and first-time job seekers the phone interview is an important part of the hiring process and if handled correctly will lead to the face-to-face interview…which is what you really want..correct?

For the employer, a phone interview is often the first contact with a candidate and a convenient, time-saving way to determine if you are worthy of a face-to-face interview. It is important you are prepared for it and take it seriously. Remember, this will be a first impression and like all first impressions, critical to the hiring process.

Follow these simple guidelines and you will increase your chances on getting the face-to-face interview.

  1. Be sure you are taking the call in a comfortable environment.
  2. If you receive the interview call and it is not convenient or appropriate to speak at that time, apologize and offer to call back when you can get to an appropriate location.
  3. Have your resume, notes about the company, pen and paper and your questions in front of you.
  4. Write down the name of the caller (interviewer) and use their name often.
  5. Stand while talking on the phone…it will help you project and sound positive.
  6. Speak clearly and make sure there are no background nosies that will interfere with your conversation.
  7. Speak into the phone, not hands-free or an earpiece.
  8. Be sure to have practiced, out loud, the answers to the questions you know you will be asked.
  9. Smile while you speak…it will make a difference in the way you sound.
  10. Always follow-up the phone interview with a thank-you note, just like a face-to-face interview.

Ace the phone interview and you will be on your way to landing that first job.