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Your Interview Checklist

Have I called to thank the caller and confirm the interview time, date, location and name of the interviewer? Have…

This very well might be the most useful job-search advice you will ever get!

There are many things that you will have direct control over in your pursuit of that first job. Any mistake…

You have your resumé and your diploma…Now what?

The harsh reality as you leave school to enter the job market is that no one knows who you are….

Develop A Successful Interview Strategy

A harsh reality of the job market is: “You don’t get paid for what you know. You get paid for…

An elaborate resumé design

Myth: An elaborate resumé design with cool fonts will stand out from the crowd and get attention. Reality: If you are applying for a position within a creative industry, design will certainly be under scrutiny. Your resumé layout should be professional and visually pleasing. It is important that your resumé be clear enough to be readable when copied, faxed or emailed. Don’t let your design get in the way of communication.
Your Interview Checklist

Have I called to thank the caller and confirm the interview time, date, location and name of the interviewer? Have…

Unhappy college grad
What they don’t teach you in school.

Just graduated? Now your education begins. Now that you have graduated and you are entering the job market for the…

How to get an Interview

You will not get a job without an interview (in some shape or form). Learning how to get an interview…

Your Personal Time Management

It is your time…how will you manage it? Time management is a skill that you must learn to be successful…