job search tips

DISAPPOINTMENT! “You did not get the job.”

Do not be surprised if you don’t get the first job you interview for. It…

Interview etiquette counts

Graduates need to know that business and interview etiquette is extremely important. It shows you…

Lost in the crowd during your job search?

When you graduate and are entering the job market for the first time, all graduates…

Great Advice for Graduates

You have just graduated from school and now your education begins. The ‘real world’ education…

The secret to a successful job search

The secret to a successful job search is nothing more than a series of carefully…

12 job-search ideas how graduates can differentiate themselves from the competition

It is important for graduates to understand that the people doing the interviewing and hiring…

Your job search is a race to the finish

Think about your job search as a race... A race but you don't know where…

You are hired!…What now?

Your job search is over…You landed your first job…Now what? Most graduates will celebrate, buy a…

Your references are important

References can make a big difference in the hiring process. Often we just treat references…

Unreturned phone calls…the biggest job-search mistake.

If someone calls you, it is for a reason and common courtesy says: ‘If you…